This page last updated February 2024

If you would like to contact us

The Halls are available for hire  for community, personal and enterprise  events. 

First Contact can be made by emailing coothandr@gmail.com or ringing/texting  0468 818 344


Our organization manages the two Mallacoota Halls – The Mudbrick Pavilion and The Main Hall AKA The Sports Stadium; the Lions Park;  The Amphitheater  The Skate Park; The Town Oval and adjacent grounds on behalf of the people of Mallacoota and East Gippsland Shire Council.

We are volunteer organization.  The Halls are available for hire  for community, personal and enterprise  events. 

If your organization plans to make use of the grounds in any way that will affect their amenity to the general public please contact us to make a booking.

Before you decide on a date for your event please check our calendar to make sure the date is clear. HERE


Hire Fees are established by the Committee of Management and are to be paid on receipt of an invoice.  Hire Charges on link below –

Hire Charges



  • If you want to use the Air Conditioners then you have to arm them first using the switch under the light switches in the foyer.  When the light is ON the power is OFF.  The switch is on a two hour timer and needs to be rearmed after each two hour session.
  • Muddie External toilets – Light switch on wall next to switchboard in Muddie Foyer.
  • If Muddie Toilets unavailable EGSC toilets can be found on the other side of The Lions Park.
  • The Mudbrick Pavilion currently host 3 pianos!  The smaller upright and electric piano are available for general use.  The large upright can be used by first contacting Padma Newsome.  His phone number can be accessed emailing Halls and rec


  • Hirers please instruct your event coordinator to check the venue two working days before your event to ensure it is ready for your event.  If any problems emerge please contact us immediately.
  • It is the hirers responsibility to be fully aware of all matters relevant to their hire of the facility. Please consult our website http://mallacootahallsandrec.org  Please report any major issue immediately – see phone number above.
  • On Arrival please check condition of hall and note any significant issues – dirty floors, washing up etc. please report these immediately to phone number above.
  • If you plan to use the kitchen gas stove, please ensure that there is gas for the use of the hot water service and stove. Please do this two business day before your planned event so that, should both bottles be empty, then replacements can be delivered. Contact Phone number above.
  • Please note that we do not supply tea towels.
  • Should the toilets run out of paper, spare rolls can be found on top of the fridge.
  • If your event is open to the general public and more than twenty people are expected, then it is conditional on the hire of the hall that –
    1. There be a designated Event Coordinator who assumes responsibility for the entire event. This person will negotiate with Halls and Rec re the event.
    2. There be a separate Front of House Coordinator to deal directly with the general public.
    3. Should catering be being provided than a separate catering coordinator must be appointed.
    4. Should the event include a high level of technological applications than a technical coordinator must be appointed, Donald Ashby is generally available to do this.
  • While it is no longer mandatory for event organizers,  in our buildings, to provide a suitably trained first aid operative we encourage you to do so.  There is a basic first aid kit supplied with the venue and it is the responsibility of the event organizer to check the kit and inform our committee of any needed restocking withing 48 hours of the event.
  • It is the responsibility of the venue hirer to ensure that parents keep children off the stage and away from storage rooms. Unsupervised children must not be allowed in the Kitchen.
  • No black and silver chairs must leave building this prohibition  includes the veranda
  • No dogs, unless guide dogs/registered companion animalss to be allowed in the building. Dogs on Halls and Rec land must be restrained.
  • Ensure that water is in the urn before you turn it on. Urn should be turned on well before hot water is needed.
  • If the event occurs fully or in part in the grounds then rubbish bins must be strategically positioned, collected at end and emptied.
  • The hirer is responsible for any broken or missing items.
  • Any function involving the consumption of alcohol must have appropriate permits and be registered with local police.


  1. Clear rubbish. This includes any surplus promotional material, catering signage and lost property.  Please attempt to separate recycled rubbish from general rubbish and place in appropriate marked bins.  Please empty and return bin within 24 hours of end time of event.
  2. All chairs to be returned to chair storage and stacked no higher than seven chairs.
  3. All technical equipment belonging to Halls and rec be returned as per instructions from H and R representative.
  4. Tables stacked to sides as practical.
  5. Floors must be swept, mopped and vac’d.
  6. All lights turned off.
  7. Fans turned off.
  8. Aircons turned off.
  9. Check all external doors are locked.


  1. Please ensure fridge is empty and wiped out.
  2. Please ensure oven is empty and wiped out.
  3. Please ensure cook top is clean.
  4. Please ensure all washing up is done and crockery put in cupboards.
  5. Wipe all surface. Clean sink. Empty Rubbish. Wash floor.
  6. Wheelie bins must be emptied after event either at tip or in hopper at Caravan Park


As a remote rural community set in a national park our community has a responsibility to be as meticulous as possible in our waste-management. To this end we have formulated a draft proposal that is planned to come into effect on the first of January this year.

As of First of January 2017 the following conditions pertain to the management of rubbish and waste in and around The Mallacoota Community Precinct. This is in force for commercial, community and social events.


All single use drink and food containers will be compostable.
All carry out bags will be paper or re-usable cotton/jute/hemp.
Disposable eating utensils will be wood or other biodegradable material.
Users who are hosting third parties will be responsible for the compliance of third parties. Hosts will be expected to carry stock of compostables and reusables ensure the compliance of their third parties.
Cold drinks will be sold in aluminum or glass containers only.
Food waste and compostable containers will be disposed of in marked containers and then processed through Kitchen to Compost Program.
Recyclable material will be disposed of in marked containers and removed to The Transfer Station by The User or The Management by arrangement (to be costed to The User).
Non-Recyclable material will be disposed of in marked containers and removed to The Transfer Station by The User or The Management by arrangement (to be costed to The User).


All single use drink and food containers will be compostable.
All take away drinks containers will be compostable or our re-usable green mugs – supplied. The mugs will be distributed to organizers and they will be collected in clearly marked food-grade wheelie bins – supplied, and then washed in a portable dish-washer – supplied. Responsibility of organizers.
All single use carry out bags will be paper or re-usable cotton/jute/hemp.
Eating utensils will be wood or other biodegradable material.
Users who are hosting third parties will be responsible for the compliance of third parties. Hosts will be expected to carry stock of compostables and reusables for the convenience of their third parties.
Site users who do not comply will be asked to leave and their further use of our facilities put under review.
Any packaging not clearly identifiable as compostable or fully biodegradable must be removed from the site by the user or their third party.
Cold drinks will be sold in aluminium containers only. East Gippsland Water has mobile tap points available for bubble fountains and water bottle refill points
Recyclable material will be disposed of in marked containers and removed to The Transfer Station by The User or The Management by arrangement (to be costed to The User).

Non-Recyclable material will be disposed of in marked containers and removed to The Transfer Station by The User or The Management by arrangement (to be costed to The User).

Failure to deal with rubbish appropriately will result in loss of deposit.


Unless otherwise endorsed by an appropriate representative of the Council/Committee of Management in the Schedule to the Application for Hall Hire, a security bond in the sum of $200.00 shall be paid by the hirer at the time of booking as a guarantee of fulfilment of these conditions, and as security against damage to the building or any fittings and furniture contained therein, and for any cleaning arranged by the Hall Committee resulting from the hirer’s use of the premises. The hirer shall be liable on demand by the (nominated representative of the Council/Committee of Management) to pay any further amount in excess of such bond to meet the full cost of such damage or cleaning. If there is no breach of the conditions of usage or damage to the building or any fittings and furniture therein or abnormal cleaning the deposit will be returned.

A $100.00 security bond for key allocation for regular long term users of the main hall or Mudbrick Pavilion will be required until cessation of use or otherwise notified by the Council/Committee of Management.



East Gippsland Shire Council and the Committee of Management for the Hall and Recreation Grounds Mallacoota grants the hire of the hall subject to the following conditions:


The right to use the hall is subject to Mallacoota Hall and Recreation Grounds Committee receiving, in person, an application in the required form signed by the proposed hirer undertaking to comply with these conditions.  TO ACCESS AND PRINT AN APPLICATION FORM HERE

If the proposed hirer is a club (registered as a not for profit incorporated organization) the application is made must be signed by the President or Secretary of the club.


Unless otherwise endorsed by an appropriate representative of the Council/Committee of Management in the Schedule to the Application for Hall Hire, a security bond in the sum of $200.00 shall be paid by the hirer at the time of booking as a guarantee of fulfilment of these conditions, and as security against damage to the building or any fittings and furniture contained therein, and for any cleaning arranged by the Hall Committee resulting from the hirer’s use of the premises. The hirer shall be liable on demand by the (nominated representative of the Council/Committee of Management) to pay any further amount in excess of such bond to meet the full cost of such damage or cleaning. If there is no breach of the conditions of usage or damage to the building or any fittings and furniture therein or abnormal cleaning the deposit will be returned.

A $100.00 security bond for key allocation for regular long term users of the main hall or Mudbrick Pavilion will be required until cessation of use or otherwise notified by the Council/Committee of Management.



4. INSURANCE If the hirer plans to use the facility in the holding of a pop concert, sports event or carnival the hirer shall take out and keep current during the period of hire a public liability insurance policy in a form approved by the Council, in the joint names or the East Gippsland Shire Council and the hirer, insuring for a sum of not less than 10 million dollars the council and the hirer against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against the council or the hirer or both arising out of or in relation to the hiring agreement.

The policy must also confirm that the insurance cover includes the indemnity required to be given by the hirer as part of this agreement. Proof of this policy must be by way of a Certificate of Currency which must be annexed to this agreement, and form part of the agreement.

NOTE: Excluding events listed above, users of our facilities are covered by a Shire Council  public liability project providing the user uses our facilities less than 50 times ayear.

CAUTION NOTE: The blanket insurance cover is only applicable to individuals that in the normal course of their business or activity would not or should not be seen to have insurance eg. 21st Birthday. However any individual, group, company, school, body, or organisation that should have in their normal course of business that has an insurance policy, then it is requires under the same terms as required by section 4 heading Insurance.

If an individual, group, company, school, body, or organisation fails to obtain insurance, when in the normal course of their business they should have such a policy, then they do so at entirely at their own risk.

5. INDEMNITY The hirer agrees to indemnify, and keep indemnified, and to Hold Harmless the council, Committee’s of Management, its servants and agents, and each of them from and against all actions, costs, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which may be brought, or made, or claimed against them, or any of them, arising out of, or in relation to the hiring engagement.

6. ACTS AND REGULATIONS The hirer shall conform to the requirements of the Health Act, Local Government Act, any Local Law/By-law or Regulations made there under, and shall be liable for any breach of such Acts, Local Laws/By-laws or Regulations. All other statutory rules, provisions and regulations of the Commonwealth of Australia or State of Victoria/Tasmania for the time being in force must be complied with by the user and the notices given to the proper officers.


The Hall Committee provides and maintains emergency fire prevention equipment such as hoses and/or extinguishers for fire fighting and Fire Orders for the guidance of Hirer of Community Halls.

In return, the Hirer agrees to: • keep displayed in prominent locations, emergency notices and Fire Orders; • not interfere with any emergency equipment or notices; • advise the Hall Committee if the emergency equipment is used; • meet the cost of replacement or repair of such emergency equipment caused by any improper use; • immediately notify Hall Committee in the event that the fire prevention equipment is used or an emergency situation occurs; • be aware of proper procedures for, and be responsible for, the safe and orderly evacuation of guests from the Community Hall in the event that an emergency situation occurs.

GUIDELINES FOR EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES USE OF BUILDING The Hirer must: • know where all safe exits and exit paths are located; • designate a safe external assembly point; • keep all exits and exit paths clear during use of the Community Hall; • know where emergency equipment is located (eg. fire extinguishers); • ensure activities to be undertaken by the Hirer and the Hirer’s guests are not dangerous.

EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT USAGE The Hirer must: • call the Fire Brigade (by dialling 000) before attempting to fight any fire; • only attempt to fight a fire with the equipment provided and if it is safe to do so; • only use the fire fighting equipment if you have read and understood the instructions or are familiar with the equipment and its specific application. • not continue to fight the fire beyond the first 30 seconds. If the fire is not extinguished within that time, the Hirer must commence the evacuation procedure. A handy guide is that if the fire cannot be extinguished by use of a single extinguisher, then evacuation is necessary.

EMERGENCY EVACUATION The Hirer must: • identify exact nature and location of the emergency; • remain calm and leave in an orderly manner; • remember to search all areas of the Community Hall for stragglers (only if safe to do so); • report to the emergency authority (e.g. Fire Brigade) on status of all persons; • only re-enter the building when authorised by the emergency authority. SAFETY of the Hirer of this facility and the Hirer’s guests is the Hirer’s responsibility whilst under the Hirer’s care and control.


a) The hirer shall only be entitled to the use of the particular part or parts of the building hired on the date set out in the Schedule to the application and the

b) Council/Committee of Management reserves the right to permit any other portion of the building to be hired for any other purpose at the same time.

c) The right conferred on the hirer shall be a permission to occupy and shall not be construed as a tenancy. Nothing contained in these conditions shall confer on a regular hirer the right to exclusive possession and the Council/Committee of Management may at its discretion allow other individuals and groups to have casual use of the premises.


Hirers under the age or 21 years must have the application form referred to in Clause 1 completed by an adult who will be supervising the function. The person completing the application form and whose signature appears on the same is subject to these terms and conditions.


No game of chance, at which either directly or indirectly money is passed as a prize, shall take place in any part of the premises, with the exception that this clause shall not prevent the hirer using the premises for games of Bingo, raffles or equivalent (for community fund raising), providing relevant permits have been obtained.


If the hirer commits, permits or allows any breach of default in the performance and observance of any of these conditions the Council/Committee of Management may terminate the permission to use the premises and the hirer shall immediately vacate the premises and the security deposit shall be forfeited.


The Council/Committee of Management shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by the hirer or any person, firm or corporation entrusting to or supplying any article or thing to the hirer by reason of any such article or thing being lost, damages or stolen. The hirer hereby indemnifies the Council/Committee of Management against any claim by any such person, firm or corporation in respect of such article or thing.


a) The hirer shall be responsible for the full observance of these conditions and for the maintenance and preservation of good order in the building throughout the whole duration of the period of use.

b) No spitting, obscene or insulting language or disorderly behaviour or damage to property shall be permitted in any part of the building.


The hirer is responsible for leaving the premises in a clean and tidy state, and shall immediately remove all rubbish, refuse and waste matter. Any cost incurred by the Council/Committee of Management in cleaning the premises resulting from the condition in which the hirer left the premises shall be recoverable from the hirer.


The floors, walls, curtains, or any other part of the building or any fittings or furniture shall not be broken, pierced by nails or screws or in any other way damaged. The hirer shall accept full financial responsibility for damage to Council property except for normal wear and tear.


No notice, sign, advertisement, scenery, fittings or decorations of any kind shall be erected on the building or attached or affixed to the walls, doors or any other portion of the building, fittings or furniture, without prior consent of the nominated Council/ Committee of Management representative.


  • Smoking is NOT PERMITTED in any council building or 5 metres from any doorway.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the grounds adjacent to a sporting venue when children are the players.  Gme organizers must display signage to this effect


The sale of liquor on the premises is forbidden unless the hirer obtains a permit from the Liquor Control Commission, and the permit is produced to the (nominated Council/Committee of Management representative) who shall make an endorsement of the Schedule to the application.


Under no circumstances are there to be any animals in the halls.


Under no circumstances are there to be ANY PERSON SLEEPING OVERNIGHT IN THE HALLS.


In the event of any dispute or difference arising as to the interpretation of these conditions, or of any matter or thing contained therein the decision of the (nominated Council/Committee of Management representative) thereon shall be final and conclusive.